Monday, June 29, 2020

Spending Diamonds!!


Yes, I spent a lot of Diamonds this week. What on? Well, expansion space for the new event buildings from the Soccer Event, that's what. Oh yeah, I could have waited for the expansions from Medals or when I decided to take them up to different eras, but they were nowhere near either, I think these event buildings will be great. I bought expansion space on Dunarsund, Houndsmoor, and Sinerania for Diamonds. On my other worlds, I managed to shoe-horn in the event buildings in current space. Even on my Tiny Town.

East-Nagach - No expansions!

It's a great boon for my tiny city. I don't need the Tavern now, so that will free up space for the Statue of Zeus (working on getting Blueprints for it). This city is now at the end of Iron Age, and only has one goods building of each age, but the soccer event has been great for getting goods.

This world is the furthest behind on the quests, having a hard time with the defeat army and defeat units ones. My other worlds are making great progress on the quest line, and are already up to about quest 24 or 25.

The one thing I don't really like about the soccer event is that it doesn't pay to save up all energy drinks and spend them when the special for Training is a Wishing Well. I would have liked to have done that on Dunarsund and Sinerania. As it is, it's best to train as much as possible and then play in the Tournament every day. This has put all my cities in at least the Bronze League. But thinking about it now, what would the harm be of not being so high in the league? Well, I guess I'd miss out on an Event building upgrade. I think I made the decision that maxed out buildings was more important than concentrating on Wishing Wells. They'll all get one from the event any way.

The FP trade threads are still being used on all worlds and GBs are getting leveled that way. There wasn't a lot of GE this week, because of the Soccer Event, and I didn't make any Diamonds on it. No world went to a new era this week. Brisgard is at the end of Industrial now, and East-Nagach is at the end of Iron Age.

Overall - Diamonds2745

Total Wishing Wells: 45
Total Fountains of Youth: 4

Brisgard - Industrial Age

Guild: Mystic Fire
Wishing Wells: 5

Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 6
Temple of Relics - level 5
St Mark's Basilica - level 4
The Arc - level 7
Status of Zeus - level 6
Cathedral of Achen - level 3
Tower of Babel - level 4

Cirgard - Iron Age

Guild: Harley's Knights
Wishing Wells: 2

Statue of Zeus - level 7
Tower of Babel - level 6

Dunarsund - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Empire
Wishing Wells: 20
Fountains of Youth: 3

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 8
Castel Del Monte - level 8

East-Nagach - Iron Age

Guild: Order of the Thistle
Wishing Wells: 0
Fountains of Youth: 0

No Great Buildings

Houndsmoor - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Houndsmoor Collective
Wishing Wells: 4
Fountains of Youth: 1

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Temple of Relics - level 5
Tower of Babel - level 8
Castel Del Monte - level 8

Noarsil - Iron Age

Guild: The King's Alliance
Wishing Wells: 2

Statue of Zeus - level  7
Tower of Babel - level 6
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 2

Sinerania - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Evermore
Wishing Wells: 12

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 7
Temple of Relics - level 5
Castel Del Monte - level 7

That's about for this week. More Soccer Event next week. No spending Diamonds next week. I'll see if I can squeeze in more GE next 
week too.


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