Monday, May 25, 2020

Finished Archeology!!


Yes, it's the last full day of the Archeology Special Event, and I've got all my Airships to level 11 on all Worlds. It was a really fun event, and I also got lots of Carousels on my fighting worlds, and Worlds Fair on lots of Worlds too. On Brisgard, I got the Worlds Fair to level 10.

Brisgard after Archeology
What's that gap in the middle of the city, you may ask? Well, I finally decided to Store all the Celtic Forest set. I really didn't like it, even though it gave tons of FPs, goods, and bonuses. It's just so much nicer not having to collect from it, and I'm sure I'm not going to miss it that much. I can always build it again later if I want, when I have more space.

On Brisgard, I advanced on the Continent map, and completed all the Colonial age sectors. Imagine my surprise when I was asked if I wanted to explore new lands. I thought there was just one map for all of Forge of Empires. Now I know there is one map per Age beyond Colonial :) I got the story quests up to date too, getting some Diamonds from them too.

Talking about Diamonds, I'm up to 2700 this week. This is amazing, because I spent 400 this week on 2 Statue of Zeus BPs for my new 2 cities. They are coming along nicely now, having some Carousels too.

Other than that, I got quite a lot of GE done this week, but only completed level 4 on Dunarsund. It will actually be nice when Archeology is over, as I'll be able to concentrate on this again.

Here's one of my of my new cities, Cirgard:

I'm working on getting the Tower of Babel next. I know it's not that great a building, but it will be nice to relieve some of the population pressure (I'm so annoyed I deleted it on Brisgard, I should have deleted the Oracle instead!). Noarsil looks very similar to this. The Airship is such a great building for these Iron Age cities.

I got quite a few Wishing Wells also. Well, one on each World from event quest chain. I think I also have a Fountain of Youth that I haven't placed yet on on one World.

I also added Temple of Relics on Sineraria this week. I was waiting for CDM, but getting the goods is going to be tough, so I plopped a TOR down.

Overall - Diamonds2700

Total Wishing Wells:
Total Fountains of Youth: 2

Brisgard - Colonial Age

Guild: Mystic Fire
Wishing Wells: 5

Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 6
Temple of Relics - level 4
St Mark's Basilica - level 3
The Arc - level 4
Status of Zeus - level 5

Cirgard - Iron Age

Guild: Harley's Knights
Wishing Wells: 1

Statue of Zeus - level 3

Dunarsund - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Empire
Wishing Wells: 20

Fountains of Youth: 1

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 6

Castel Del Monte - level 4

Houndsmoor - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Houndsmoor Collective
Wishing Wells: 4

Fountains of Youth: 1

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Temple of Relics - level 5
Tower of Babel - level 6

Noarsil - Iron Age

Guild: The King's Alliance
Wishing Wells: 2

Statue of Zeus - level  2

Sinerania - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Evermore
Wishing Wells: 12

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10

Tower of Babel - level 6

Temple of Relics - level 3

That's about for this week. More GE and Diamonds next week. Also, I'm moving to Industrial era on Brisgard next week. It should be fun.


Monday, May 18, 2020

Stalled on Archeology!!


Yeah. Here's the issue I've come across. After playing the event for a few days I realized you get rather a lot of the daily special. When it was the Carosel, or World's Fair kit, it was great. But there has been quite a while now where there really hasn't been an enticing Daily Special. There's no way to see what's coming up either. I think we expect another Worlds Fair kit, and that's when I'll do it like crazy on most Worlds. So all my Worlds are caught up on the quest line and have about 2.5K scrolls on nearly every world.

I got quite a bit of GE done this week, but only completed level 4 on Dunarsund (I got a new Fountain of Youth there too). I got quite a few Diamonds from it though, and a couple of Wishing Well hits. Diamonds are now up to 2520!! I really need something to spend them on. Maybe the last BP for Statue of Zeus on my new Worlds, or I'm really thinking of extra slots in some special Military Buildings (Rogues, Champions, Drummers etc.). BTW: I got the BPs for Castel Del Monte on Dunarsund, and a guild mate got me goods for 170 FPs.  To have space for it, I stored all buildings from the Celtic set, as I'm not keen on it.

My two new Worlds are both to the end of Iron Age, and are pumping FPs into guild members Statue of Zeus to get BPs. On Cirgard, two more BPs are needed. On Noarsil, only one more BP is needed. I think I'll wait another week before paying any Diamonds for it.

Here's a look at Brisgard:

Latest Brisgard
I've built another goods building for Porcelain, and a Dragoon stables for a bit more military muscle. I've been leveling the Statue of Zeus, and the ARC, and have also loaded up the first couple of techs from Industrial era, so I can get that as soon as the Archeology event is over. That's the plan.

The plan is to level Cirgard and Noarsil to Early Middle Ages after the event too. Or should I just keep them in the Iron Age? Maybe I'll wait for a while, until I at least have a moderately leveled Statue of Zeus on them both.

Overall - Diamonds2520

Total Wishing Wells: 36

Total Fountains of Youth: 2

Brisgard - Colonial Age

Guild: Mystic Fire
Wishing Wells: 4

Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 6
Temple of Relics - level 4
St Mark's Basilica - level 2

The Arc - level 3
Status of Zeus - level 5

Cirgard - Iron Age

Guild: Harley's Knights
Wishing Wells: 0

No Great Buildings

Dunarsund - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Empire
Wishing Wells: 18

Fountains of Youth: 1

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 6

Castel Del Monte - level 2

Houndsmoor - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Houndsmoor Collective
Wishing Wells: 3

Fountains of Youth: 1

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Temple of Relics - level 4
Tower of Babel - level 5

Noarsil - Iron Age

Guild: The King's Alliance
Wishing Wells: 1

No Great Buildings

Sinerania - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Evermore
Wishing Wells: 10

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10

Tower of Babel - level 6

That's about for this week. Finishing Archeology next week I think. I hope to make lots more Diamonds next week too.


Monday, May 11, 2020

Archeology Progress!!


Yes. The Archeology event is in full swing, and I'm making great progress on it on all 6 Worlds I play on. I'm now at or around quest 30 on all Worlds, and all the Airships are level 3 - 5. I'm really waiting for a good Daily Special to play the mini-game on many Worlds, but did play it was Wishing Well Shrink Kit on my 2 WW farm Worlds (Dunarsund and Sinerania). They got a couple of them on each world, saving some space. The event itself is fine, and using the 395 Kit is the best way to go, to get the best bang for your Scroll buck.

The Wishing Well total went up one as I bought one from the Antiques Dealer on Dunarsund. The Diamond Total went up without really trying, as I didn't complete GE4 on any world, and only got to GE4 on one World. I'm really concentrating on getting the Archeology rush quests done.

On my 2 latest Worlds, they are now both at the end of Iron Age, and are pumping FPs into lots of Statue of Zeus, so they can get one for themselves. Here's a look at one of them.

Cottages, Butchers, Goat Farms, 4 goods buildings, and some happiness ones too. There's the level 4 Airship too.

Here's something fun I'm doing on Noarsil. I removed all my friends, and then have only been trying to friend people with one certain avatar:

All the same!!
It's working fine. I have about 30 friends now, and I'm only on about page 700 of the listing for the World. I probably hit 1 or 2 with this avatar each 50 players.

Overall - Diamonds2125

Total Wishing Wells: 36

Total Fountains of Youth: 1

Brisgard - Colonial Age

Guild: Mystic Fire
Wishing Wells: 4

Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 6
Temple of Relics - level 4
St Mark's Basilica - level 2

The Arc - level 2
Status of Zeus - level 3

Cirgard - Iron Age

Guild: Harley's Knights
Wishing Wells: 0

No Great Buildings

Dunarsund - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Empire
Wishing Wells: 18

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 6

Houndsmoor - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Houndsmoor Collective
Wishing Wells: 3

Fountain of Youth: 1

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 9
Temple of Relics - level 4
Tower of Babel - level 5

Noarsil - Iron Age

Guild: The King's Alliance
Wishing Wells: 1

No Great Buildings

Sinerania - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Evermore
Wishing Wells: 10

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10

Tower of Babel - level 5

That's about for this week. More Archeology next week. I really hope there's a good Daily Special. More Diamonds hopefully too.


Monday, May 4, 2020

My First ARC!!


Yes. I was one Blueprint short of an ARC on Brisgard, and didn't have any goods for it. I asked in Guild chat how I would get the goods, and they hooked me up with someone that would take 200 FPS and 1:2 trades to get all the goods. Once I got the goods, I couldn't resist paying 200 Diamonds for the BP I was missing. So, now I have an ARC!!!

My City with an ARC!!

As you can see, that's not the only change this week. I now have a Statue of Zeus too. Why? You may well ask. Here's the answer. Why not? It's got such a small area required that I thought I might as well have it. It may help with conquering sectors (when goods are low) or for fighting parts of daily quests that I just give up on now.

Nearly all my Breweries have been updated to Sailmakers now, and there's one Tobacco Plantation too. Supplies are over 1M now.

I'm also preparing for the Archeology Event that starts tomorrow. As you can see, there's a nice black 7x3 area in this top left of this city. I've made sure I have a similar area in every city too.

As for Diamonds, they went up nicely this week, even after spending 200. I got a couple of hits on Wishing Wells this week, and used a fair bit for extra Negotiating turns too. Most came from GE. Particularly GE level 4. I completed level 4 on 4 Worlds this week.

Something else really fun happened this week. On one of the Dailies on Noarsil, there was a 5% chance of a Wishing Well. Boom! Got it :) So, one new Wishing Well this week. Oh and I got a fountain of Youth from GE on Houndsmoor too. I've found that they are the the same as Wishing Wells, so I need to count them too.

Overall - Diamonds1865

Total Wishing Wells: 35

Total Fountains of Youth: 1

Brisgard - Colonial Age

Guild: Mystic Fire
Wishing Wells: 4

Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 6
Temple of Relics - level 4

St Mark's Basilica - level 2

The Arc - level 2
Status of Zeus - level 2

Cirgard - Iron Age

Guild: Harley's Knights

Wishing Wells: 0

No Great Buildings

Dunarsund - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Empire
Wishing Wells: 17

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 5

Houndsmoor - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Houndsmoor Collective
Wishing Wells: 3

Fountain of Youth: 1

Statue of Zeus - level 9
Cathedral of Achen - level 9
Temple of Relics - level 3
Tower of Babel - level 4

Noarsil - Iron Age

Guild: The King's Alliance
Wishing Wells: 1

No Great Buildings

Sinerania - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Evermore
Wishing Wells: 10

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 9

Tower of Babel - level 4

That's about for this week. Archeology Event tomorrow! I can't wait!
