Monday, November 23, 2020

2 More Alcatrazes!!


On my non Wishing Well Farm Worlds, I decided that it was time for them all to get a Traz. This truly makes GE so much easier, and allows GE and GBG in the same week too. Such a good great building. As you know, I had them on Brisgard and Houndsmoor already, but needed them on Cirgard, East-Nagach, and Noarsil. Well, it was easy enough on East-Nagach and Noarsil, but I ran into trouble on Cirgard. The guild was not very responsive to requests for Progressive goods. On the other 2, I got them easy at 1:2 trades and spending 75 FPs and 110 FPs on them. Here's a look at East-Nagach, with Traz installed.


The Farm there is for a quest. I still have some double Military buildings, that I can make into singles now that I have Traz.

Oh, I did get to the end of each tech tree on all the worlds this week. They are all back to leveling GBs through Swap Threads now. Brisgard is finally bringing in lots of Modern Era goods, and has cut down the number of Military buildings to save space.

It was a bit of a tough time with GE this week, but every world completed it again. They all didn't have tons of current age goods, and couldn't fight all the way to the end of Level 3. But they got it done. I did spend tons of Diamonds this week, but the gain from GE and Wishing Wells was good again. I spent nearly 3000 on expansions on Brisgard. This was needed for the Modern Era buildings. I also spend 600 on 3 BPs for Alcatraz. 400 on East-Nagach, and 200 on Noarsil. I ended the week with 10,710. It was really nice getting 150 from Wishing Wells last night. It's not normal, but those 50s are coming in fairly regularly, as I have over 100 WW/FOH.

I've been doing Dailies on most worlds, and that's the only game in town until the Winter Event starts.

Overall - Diamonds10,710

Total Wishing Wells: 93
Total Fountains of Youth: 17

Brisgard - Modern Age

Guild: Mystic Fire
Wishing Wells: 9
Fountains of Youth: 2

Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 6/13
Temple of Relics - level 5/16
St Mark's Basilica - level 6/13
The Arc - level 11/20
Status of Zeus - level 10/17
Cathedral of Achen - level 10/13
Tower of Babel - level 8/10
Castel Del Monte - level 9/20
Alcatraz - level 10/12
The Observatory - level 4/10
Chateau Frontenac - level 9/11

Cirgard - High Middle Ages

Guild: Harley's Knights
Wishing Wells: 4
Fountains of Youth: 2

Statue of Zeus - level 10/19
Tower of Babel - level 11/16
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 9/15
The ARC - level 9/11
Cathedral of Achen - level 10/12
Temple of Relics - level 9/15
Castel Del Monde - level 5/11

Dunarsund - Industrial Age

Guild: Empire
Wishing Wells: 37
Fountains of Youth: 6

Statue of Zeus - level 12/14
Cathedral of Achen - level 10/15
Tower of Babel - level 11/12
Castel Del Monte - level 12/14
The ARC - level 10/10
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 10/13
Temple of Relics - level 10/16

East-Nagach - High Middle Ages

Guild: Order of the Thistle
Wishing Wells: 2
Fountains of Youth: 1

Statue of Zeus - level 10/14
Tower of Babel - level 8/11
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 8/12
Cathedral of Achen - level 9/10
Temple of Relics - level 4/13
The ARC - level 5/10
Castel Del Monte - level 5/10
Alcatraz - level 3/10

Houndsmoor - Late Middle Ages

Guild: Houndsmoor Collective
Wishing Wells: 7
Fountains of Youth: 4

Statue of Zeus - level 12/17
Cathedral of Achen - level 12/17
Temple of Relics - level 10/14
Tower of Babel - level 11/14
Castel Del Monte - level 12/13
The ARC - level 11/12
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 10/11
Alcatraz - level 5/12

Noarsil - High Middle Ages

Guild: The King's Alliance
Wishing Wells: 6
Fountains of Youth: 0

Statue of Zeus - level  10/16
Tower of Babel - level 10/11
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 9/15
Cathedral of Achen - level 10/12
The ARC - level 7/10
Temple of Relics - level 8/14
Castel Del Monte - level 5/10
Alcatraz - level 2/10

Sinerania - Colonial Age

Guild: Evermore
Wishing Wells: 28
Fountains of Youth: 2

Statue of Zeus - level 12/16
Cathedral of Achen - level 11/17
Tower of Babel - level 10/13
Temple of Relics - level 10/15
Castel Del Monte - level 12/13
The ARC - level 10/10
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 10/13

That's about for this week. More Dailies and GE and leveling GBs next week, and getting and maybe spending more Diamonds.


Monday, November 16, 2020

Aged Up on All Worlds!!


That's right. Last Thursday, I Aged Up on every single world. It's all gone very smoothly since then, except on Brisgard. Gee, Modern Age is tough. So many Modern Era goods are needed for the tech tree. I did Upgrade most special buildings to get Modern goods, but they're only coming in once a day. I also built two Modern Age Goods Buildings for Luxury Goods and Ferroconcrete. I also traded a lot for them so I am actually making decent progress now. I had to switch to putting forge points in buildings for while though.

Anyway. Here's Brisgard now. It really needs a good re-organization soon, to fit in some Modern Production Buildings and maybe a 3rd Goods building.

Brisgard - Modern Age

Aging Up on most worlds was mostly working through the Tech Tree and destroying old buildings when I unlocked their replacements. Be they Production Buildings or Military Buildings. They are mostly near the end of their Tech Trees for their new ages.

This was probably the easiest week for GE, with using the higher age troops I got from the Villa and Traz (on Brisgard and Houndsmoor), but I still can't get past level 3 by fighting. But yet again, I did complete level 4 on all Worlds, and made tons of Diamonds in the process. I also got some 50 Diamonds from WW/FOY and also some from the Story quests that I did a lot this week. I ended up with 14,007 Diamonds!! I didn't spend any this week, just to see how high I could get it :)

I also placed a few more Fountains of Youth this week too and one more Wishing Well.

Overall - Diamonds14,007

Total Wishing Wells: 92
Total Fountains of Youth: 15

Brisgard - Modern Age

Guild: Mystic Fire
Wishing Wells: 9
Fountains of Youth: 2

Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 6
Temple of Relics - level 5
St Mark's Basilica - level 5
The Arc - level 11
Status of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 7
Castel Del Monte - level 9
Alcatraz - level 10
The Observatory - level 4
Chateau Frontenac - level 8

Cirgard - High Middle Ages

Guild: Harley's Knights
Wishing Wells: 4
Fountains of Youth: 2

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 11
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 9
The ARC - level 9
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Temple of Relics - level 8
Castel Del Monde - level 2

Dunarsund - Industrial Age

Guild: Empire
Wishing Wells: 37
Fountains of Youth: 6

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 11
Castel Del Monte - level 12
The ARC - level 10
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 10
Temple of Relics - level 9

East-Nagach - High Middle Ages

Guild: Order of the Thistle
Wishing Wells: 2
Fountains of Youth: 1

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 8
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 8
Cathedral of Achen - level 9
Temple of Relics - level 4
The ARC - level 5
Castel Del Monte - level 3

Houndsmoor - Late Middle Ages

Guild: Houndsmoor Collective
Wishing Wells: 7
Fountains of Youth: 2

Statue of Zeus - level 12
Cathedral of Achen - level 12
Temple of Relics - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 11
Castel Del Monte - level 12
The ARC - level 11
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 10
Alcatraz - level 3

Noarsil - High Middle Ages

Guild: The King's Alliance
Wishing Wells: 6
Fountains of Youth: 0

Statue of Zeus - level  10
Tower of Babel - level 10
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 7
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
The ARC - level 7
Temple of Relics - level 8
Castel Del Monte - level 3

Sinerania - Colonial Age

Guild: Evermore
Wishing Wells: 27
Fountains of Youth: 2

Statue of Zeus - level 11
Cathedral of Achen - level 11
Tower of Babel - level 10
Temple of Relics - level 9
Castel Del Monte - level 12
The ARC - level 10
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 9

That's about for this week. I will definitely start spending Diamonds next week, and will hopefully have all worlds upgraded in every way to their new ages.


Monday, November 9, 2020

Ready to Age Up!!


Yes, last week wasn't the right time to Age up, so I didn't do any of that last week. This coming Thursday is the perfect time, because:

1. GE will just have started on Tuesday
2. GBG will just have started on Thursday
3. Between Events - Winter Event won't be starting for a while

The other criteria I use to see if I'm ready to Age Up are:

1. At least 1000 of each current age good.
2. Lots of Renovation and One Up Kits

So with that, what have I really been up to? Well, it was the end of the Halloween Event last week, and it ended with a whimper. I didn't need any more Upgrades, and lots of the stupid little toy quests went un-finished. I also got quite a few more Great Buildings this week. I concentrated on getting CDM on those I didn't have it on yet. Here's East-Nagach with a brand new one:


I had to re-constructed on East-Nagach and Noarsil for room to build it. But no problems there. I also got my second Traz. It's on Houndsmoor. I really don't have the room on Dunarsund and Sinerania, and will probably not build it there. They are my Wishing Well farms.

I again completed GE on every single world, and thus made a lot of Diamonds again this week. I didn't hit on any of the final GE3 platform, which was a bit dis-appointing. I spent a few Diamonds, buying the last BP I needed for CDM on East-Nagach. What I'm thinking of doing soon is buying another Rogue slot on all my Rogue Hideouts and Dens. I'll probably do that on all worlds I don't have a Traz on, because Traz spits them out quite often.

That's about it. I'm really looking forward to Aging up next week!

Overall - Diamonds12,516

Total Wishing Wells: 91
Total Fountains of Youth: 11

Brisgard - Progressive Age

Guild: Mystic Fire
Wishing Wells: 9
Fountains of Youth: 2

Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 6
Temple of Relics - level 5
St Mark's Basilica - level 5
The Arc - level 11
Status of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 7
Castel Del Monte - level 9
Alcatraz - level 10
The Observatory - level 4
Chateau Frontenac - level 7

Cirgard - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Harley's Knights
Wishing Wells: 4
Fountains of Youth: 2

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 11
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 9
The ARC - level 9
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Temple of Relics - level 8

Dunarsund - Colonial Age

Guild: Empire
Wishing Wells: 37
Fountains of Youth: 3

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 11
Castel Del Monte - level 12
The ARC - level 10
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 10
Temple of Relics - level 9

East-Nagach - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Order of the Thistle
Wishing Wells: 2
Fountains of Youth: 0

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 8
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 8
Cathedral of Achen - level 9
Temple of Relics - level 4
The ARC - level 5
Castel Del Monte - level 0

Houndsmoor - High Middle Ages

Guild: Houndsmoor Collective
Wishing Wells: 7
Fountains of Youth: 2

Statue of Zeus - level 12
Cathedral of Achen - level 12
Temple of Relics - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 11
Castel Del Monte - level 12
The ARC - level 11
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 10
Alcatraz - level 1

Noarsil - Early Middle Ages

Guild: The King's Alliance
Wishing Wells: 6
Fountains of Youth: 0

Statue of Zeus - level  10
Tower of Babel - level 10
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 7
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
The ARC - level 7
Temple of Relics - level 8
Castel Del Monte - level 2

Sinerania -  Late Middle Ages

Guild: Evermore
Wishing Wells: 26
Fountains of Youth: 2

Statue of Zeus - level 11
Cathedral of Achen - level 11
Tower of Babel - level 10
Temple of Relics - level 9
Castel Del Monte - level 12
The ARC - level 10
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 9

That's about for this week. So looking forward to next Thursday.


Monday, November 2, 2020

Spending Diamonds!!


I made quite a few Diamonds this week, but spent a lot more than I made. I bought expansions on every World that could still get them for 400 Diamonds. I think that was 4 expansions. I still ended the week with 12,136 Diamonds, so it's all going well. I'll be spending a lot more on 400 cost expansions soon, but there's no hurry. Really, those expansions are on the worlds that I need them least on.

As for the Halloween Event, I keep plugging away at it, getting the quests done every day. On Dunarsund and Sinerania I'm waiting to see if there'll be another Wishing Well or Wishing Well Shrink Kit in the next two days. On the others, I haven't really been targeting any of the daily specials, just doing it whenever I have some spare time.

A few Worlds are getting ready to Age Up, soon after the Halloween event is over. Here's Brisgard, ready to move to the Modern Age.


As you can see, way over 1000 of each Progressive Good, so it should be ready to age up soon. I'm a bit worried about how to get Modern era goods, but I've been assured that upgraded event buildings will give modern goods, so that's great news. The GBs will give un-refined Colonial Age goods, which will be greatly needed.

The other one that's definitely ready to move up is Houndsmoor. It should be nice and easy to move up to Late Middle Ages there.

Oh, for the first time ever, I actually completed GE4 on every single world. I didn't have to, if I was concentrating only on Diamonds, but the final Platform does give some good rewards, and I got a couple of Terrace Farms and stuff on various worlds.

That's about it. Here's the rundown.

Overall - Diamonds12,136

Total Wishing Wells: 84
Total Fountains of Youth: 10

Brisgard - Progressive Age

Guild: Mystic Fire
Wishing Wells: 8
Fountains of Youth: 2

Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 6
Temple of Relics - level 5
St Mark's Basilica - level 5
The Arc - level 11
Status of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 7
Castel Del Monte - level 9
Alcatraz - level 10
The Observatory - level 4
Chateau Frontenac - level 6

Cirgard - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Harley's Knights
Wishing Wells: 3
Fountains of Youth: 2

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 10
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 9
The ARC - level 8
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Temple of Relics - level 8

Dunarsund - Colonial Age

Guild: Empire
Wishing Wells: 35
Fountains of Youth: 3

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 11
Castel Del Monte - level 12
The ARC - level 9
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 10
Temple of Relics - level 9

East-Nagach - Early Middle Ages

Guild: Order of the Thistle
Wishing Wells: 2
Fountains of Youth: 0

Statue of Zeus - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 8
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 8
Cathedral of Achen - level 9
Temple of Relics - level 3
The ARC - level 4

Houndsmoor - High Middle Ages

Guild: Houndsmoor Collective
Wishing Wells: 7
Fountains of Youth: 2

Statue of Zeus - level 12
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
Temple of Relics - level 10
Tower of Babel - level 11
Castel Del Monte - level 12
The ARC - level 11
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 10

Noarsil - Early Middle Ages

Guild: The King's Alliance
Wishing Wells: 5
Fountains of Youth: 0

Statue of Zeus - level  10
Tower of Babel - level 10
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 7
Cathedral of Achen - level 10
The ARC - level 7
Temple of Relics - level 8

Sinerania -  Late Middle Ages

Guild: Evermore
Wishing Wells: 24
Fountains of Youth: 1

Statue of Zeus - level 11
Cathedral of Achen - level 11
Tower of Babel - level 10
Temple of Relics - level 8
Castel Del Monte - level 12
The ARC - level 10
Lighthouse of Alexandria - level 9

That's about for this week. It's the end of the Halloween Event next week, and I hope to age up on some worlds, and do lots of GE and get more Diamonds too.
